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Too Many Ideas - Posts Tagged ‘google’

Ultimate Google SEO Guide Infographic

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

impworks Now with Added Social Media Buttons

Friday, August 19th, 2011

I’ve had a little fiddle round with this site to add Google +1 button, Tweet Button and Facebook like. Not because I exepect anyone to use them but so I can use all three in anger. The formatting needs a bit of work still but all three seem to be working.

Vue Search Sites Automated and Other Site Tweaks

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

Back in October I did some fiddling with the Vue sites search engine that uses Google custom search to let you search the sites in my Vue links directory. Each time the list of sites changed I had to manually upload a file listing the sites to be included that was generated from the database […]

Experimenting with Feedburner

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

I’ve moved the Too Many Ideas RSS over to Feedburner mostly to get a better idea of what Feedburner has to offer. The existing feed is still there and will carry on working but if you want to try the new feed you can subscribe to it on: The first added extra using feedburner […]

Vue Python Script Pages, Links Directory and Search Updated

Friday, October 8th, 2010

I’ve tweaked the display of the Vue links directory and the Google custom search of the site’s in the directory to hopefully make them easier to use.  I’ve also worked through all the python script and so they’re all displayed with a code highlighter.

One Page Can Make a Difference

Monday, August 16th, 2010

The original Knight Rider used to end with the refrain of Wilton Knight’s last words to Michael… One man can make a difference Tonight I thought I’d share how one page (and a tiny bit of PHP code for WordPress) made a difference to my site.  At least its made a difference for Google.  I’ll […]

Where Should Buzz Have Been?

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Google launching Buzz has crystalized a thought that’s been running through my head for a while.  Ever since the WWW came on the scene there have been a series of landgrabs for bits of the Internet.  Bits that give revenue which might be page impressions giving advertising revenue or e-commerce giving cold, hard, cash revenue.  […]

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